Features Requests

Add initializer settings to component settings panel
ResNet18 - and many other models - do not use 'glorot_uniform' as the kernel initializer. Whilst it is possible to set alternatives, such as 'he_normal' via custom code, 1/ This is far more time consuming and error prone than choosing a value from a dropdown list 2/ The component is then "non-standard" - values previously set by the settings panel are invisible and inaccessible - this makes it much, much harder to review a model for correctness since one cannot do so by inspecting the settings 3/ Resetting the component then wipes out customisation whether set by the panel or not; resetting may be deliberate - but it can also be accidental as there is no confirmation dialog associated with component reset Resolution sought: add kernel_initializer to settings panel with the full range of TF presets available as options in a drop down menu. Bias initializers are very rarely used and are not a priority. There are however other arguments that should also be considered for inclusion, such as kernel_regularizer (e.g. for weight decay). Ideally,. a general purpose mechanism that allows the full range of TF arguments to be specified by the user without coding would be welcome. I note however that the TF source code for convolutions (see https://github.com/keras-team/keras/blob/v2.8.0/keras/layers/convolutional.py#L533-L691 ) shows that type hinting is not used, therefore it is acknowledged that a general purpose mechanism may not be possible at this time.
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